These two young men were caught enjoying themselves at the toilet facility of a Top restaurant in the city.
According to information gathered by paparazi, the young men came to the restaurant to eat, but after enjoying their meals, they decided to go to the washroom at the restaurant and to do what husband and wife should be doing.
A source told paparazi that, they were caught when one of the customer’s at the restaurant went to the washroom to urinate, but then suddenly heard strange noises coming out from the toilet facility. He went closer to find out what was happening.
Lo and behold, they found these two young men enjoying their back sides. The owner of the Restaurant immediately call the Police to come and deal with the issue.
As soon as the police arrive, the gay guys started complaining about how their human rights was being violated. They say they have the right to enjoy each others back side.
The police officers got angry and then sent them to the Police Station to face the law.